Aining Plastic Products CO.,LTD

Quality service anti hail net manufacturer china

One of the most damaging adverse weather conditions for a fruit grower is hail, which can destroy entire harvests and put the plants in a position not to produce in the years following the event. Recently thunderstorms with hail happened in almost every summer. The more efficient protection system of the plants, which also ensures a continuity of production over time, is surely the installation of anti-hail nets.Where is the best anti-hail network?Let me introduce the products provided by anti hail net manufacturer china.
anti hail net manufacturer china
FRUCTUS: leno-weaving HDPE monofilament net. Strong, taught, long-lasting nets. Equipped with strong lateral and central selvedges, they are particularly suitable for laying on longs rows. 

IRIDE: Raschel knitted polyethylene monofilament net. The slight elasticity facilitates the adaptation to the size of the system. Wires do not run.

Anti hail monofilament net, run-resistant. Strong bird protection net, dark green colour. 

Hole dimension: mm 7.1x6.22220WO IRIDE DUE
Anti-hail, fruit collection net, run-resistant, double thread, dark green colour. 
Hole dimension: mm 7.1x6.2

Anti-frost and anti-hail monofilament net, highly run-resistant, white crystal colour Hole dimension: mm 7.1x1.7
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